We had another incredible workshop led by Jessie-Ann Sarazin on Sunday. Each participant designed their own beadwork in their own style, which all turned out beautiful and unique. Some participants plan to attach their beadwork onto their moccasins! We had another visit from the deer on Sunday as well! The last couple of days have been filled with valuable shared knowledge and experiences that every participant will remember and cherish. Chi miigwetch, thank you so much Jessie-Ann for the honour to learn from you and for sharing your traditional knowledge and skills with us. You make learning so fun and exciting! Another chi miigwetch to the Sarazins and to all of the participants for a beautiful weekend filled with learning, laughter and love. Join us for more workshops like this one in February! We will keep you posted on our Facebook and Website. Miigwetch, thank you for the support from the Ontario Arts Council and the Canada Council for the Arts for the creation of this workshop!
We had a beautiful workshop yesterday with lots of laughter, sharing and learning. A doe and her baby also came to the office to visit us during the workshop! These are only half of the participants shown in the photos, but a big warm thank you to everyone who came out and for making yesterday so special! Miigwetch, thank you to the Ontario Arts Council and the Canada Council for the arts for all their support!